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I am a postdoc researcher at the Cardio Electro Mechanics Research Group CEMRG, where I currently develop image processing and computer vision algorithms for the analysis of cardiac images.

a brief background

I graduated from Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de México (ITAM) in Telematics Engineering (2013) and Applied Mathematics (2014). My PhD was in Biomedical Image Analysis working at the School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering (SMCSE) at City, University of London, in particular (RCBE).. My PhD research focused on the automated analysis of moving patterns in migrating cells’ movement.

interesting projects I contribute to


José Alonso Solís-Lemus

King's College London
4th floor, North Wing,
St Thomas' Hospital,
London, UK

 Email: jose [dot] solislemus {at} kcl [dot]  jose [dot] solis-lemus {at} city [dot]